  • Bachelor’s degree on Commercial Engineering from the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC).
  • Spanish
  • English
Finance Analyst
Roxalys Méndez

+1 (809) 566 7414 (Ext. 109)

Roxalys Méndez joined the firm in 2022. She currently works in the finance department in the accounts receivable area. Among her main functions are the issuance and management related to billing processes, including assistance and monitoring of local and international clients in relation to billing and collection processes. Roxalys is also responsible for the registration of all related processes in our internal system SAP Business One, including the application of payments. Her responsibilities also include the registration of all physical and digital files, as well as the creation of new clients and the corresponding updates. Roxalys is also involved in the creation of internal reports related to her responsibilities.

She has a degree in Commercial Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico of Santo Domingo (INTEC) 2021.

Citigroup Tower, Acrópolis Center, 11th Floor, Winston Churchill Avenue # 1099
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Telephone: 809-566-7414

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