Case Highlight – MARLBORO in Dominican Republic

Recognition of the well-known character of MARLBORO in Dominican Republic.

We are thrilled to announce that after a long battle before the Courts, our team successfully secured recognition for the well-known character of MARLBORO in Dominican Republic.

This achievement is particularly noteworthy given the challenging landscape owners of famous marks have been navigating over the past decade in order to obtain recognition of their well-known character. The latter is due to the fact that the Dominican PTO has tightened its criteria for acknowledging famous and well-known character, leaving trademark holders in a precarious position. Indeed, only a handful of trademarks have been recognized as such in the past 10 years.

The decision issued by the Supreme Administrative Court provides a comprehensive analysis on famous marks and shows that Dominican judges are finetuning their knowledge in IP, are open to a variety of evidence showcasing reputation, and are recognizing the importance of the protection of famous marks. It remains to be seen how this will impact (and if it finally does) the Dominican’s PTO criteria.

This victory not only highlights our firm’s dedication and expertise but also underscores the evolving landscape of the well-known character recognition in Dominican Republic.

We remain committed to championing the interests of our clients and fostering the authorities in complex legal terrain in order pave the way for a better protection to famous marks.

Do not hesitate to approach your usual MINIÑO contact for further information or email us at




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Citigroup Tower, Acrópolis Center, 11th Floor, Winston Churchill Avenue # 1099
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Telephone: 809-566-7414

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